Pedestrian deaths accounted for one-third of all road-related deaths in 2017. Statistics show that of 303 road-related deaths, 99 of them were pedestrian deaths. A statistic that increased dramatically in 2017.
Wrongful Deaths in Nevada
In Nevada, there is a general rule that pedestrians have the right of way on roadways. Drivers must always yield to pedestrians. With an increase in DUIs (Alcohol and Drug Related DUIs) the roads have become more dangerous than ever.
Every Case is Important.
The increased danger on our roads is why every case matters. Not just cases where people are seriously injured or die from accident-related injuries. Every time someone fails to follow a simple safety rule, every time someone drinks and gets into their vehicle, and every time someone fails to yield to a pedestrian.
That is why we treat EVERY CASE as if it had resulted in a Wrongful Death case. Because, frankly, that driver who made an unsafe lane change, dangerously getting into the path of others, could one day do it again and cause serious injuries.
Call a Las Vegas Injury Lawyer.
Call a lawyer today. For more information and a free consultation, call 702-333-4223 .